Hey, it’s the f*cking Undertones! You know it’s going to be good. Well, I guess the documentary format could be a little boring at times to the casual Undertones fan but if you’re a hardcore fan like myself it answers a lot of questions an confirms a lot of speculation. Especially on the part of Feargal Sharkey. It’s like Sharkey has a whole different version of the early days from the rest of the band. I don’t suppose that should surprise me after seeing so many VH1 documentaries but the rest of the band has such a precise vision of the past it just seems odd that his is so different. Anyway, the dvd also includes 7 original promo videos as well as Undertones reunion footage from 1999 and beyond with replacement singer Paul McLoone who does a damn fine job if I may say so. Well worth the price if you’re a fan.
The accompanying DVD to Whaleman's Underwater Attaché is very well done and enhances the songs. Featuring coastal scenery along with vibrant colors and impressive camera work the DVD gives the album more lasting appeal. "Gravelbowl" is indicative of the themes of both the CD and DVD, but still surprises with its tranquil green plant and white sand setting. A further merit of the DVD is that it does not operate merely as a companion piece to the CD but can be enjoyed entirely on its own. Click here to read our review of the Whaleman CD
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You can e-mail this artist at Whaleman@sympatico.ca